Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why I Chose to Study Japanese

Over the last few years I have developed a great interest in Japanese culture. I began to read books on the history and culture of Japan, and well as books on modern Japan. I also enjoy watching anime. I want to learn Japanese in hopes of possibly studying abroad in Tokyo my junior year, or to just visit their later in life, perhaps even working there for a time.

I have really enjoyed learning the language thus far. It is challenging, but I also am very happy to be learning it after wanting to do so for many years, and am thoroughly enjoying it. The hardest part for me currently is memorizing all the Hiragana. I am excited about continuing to learn more of the language, and learning Katakana and Kanji so that I can read things in Japanese. It is challenging, but I am really happy to be learning Japanese.


Hamada said...

I am glad that you are enjoying studying Japanese! I am having fun in my class, too :)

LAN said...

I have the exact same feeling about the class. I have some tips to memorize the hiragana which is trying to remember them by column or pairs rather than single ones. Foe example, chi and ra looks similar, so I pair them to remeber. It really works for me.

yinrui said...

Well, the J-type game on Jeff's blog is actually really really helpful in learning hiragana! I'm sure it's going to help tons in learning katakana as well ^_^

Ponystick said...

I feel as though the Hiragana and the Katakana are going to be the most difficult part of the class. However, being able to understand them is a wonderful feeling so stick at it! Practice makes perfect... :-)

Christianity said...

This season of Gundam 00 is going to be insane be sure top catch the first episode.

John Smith said...

I'm not in your class, but I also like Japanese culture a lot, and I feel like understanding Japanese is the only way to really gain access to Japanese culture. I'm really looking forward to learning to read more complex kanji, especially since I just bought some stuff from Japan online that I still can hardly understand.